Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Wilco Album

The new Wilco album, Wilco (The Album), is their 9th. I have not beena huge fan of their past stuff, but this album is amazing. I tried to narrow it down to my 2 favorite songs to post, but I ended up with 4.
Wilco (The Song) - Wilco
One Wing - Wilco
You Never Know - Wilco
Even though I posted it before: Bull Black Nova - Wilco
Stream the rest of the album here
I highly recommend "Deeper Down" as well, but I was unable to find an MP3 floating around online. Buy the whole album, it is very worth it.

1 comment:

lin! said...

i have You and I from the refinery 29 summer 2009 playlist. i like it :)