(Picture: MTV)
As anyone who knows me knows very well, I worship Jack White and everything he does (including The Dead Weather, which I know a lot of Jack White fans didn't like). For that reason, I was thrilled to see on You Ain't No Picasso that Jack White had told Rolling Stone that he would be most likely putting out a solo record "Eventually, yeah, for sure." With anyone else, I think that would be too vague to excite me, but with him, even the slightest hint of new material is enough to get me worked up. When asked whether a solo album would mean he was playing all the instruments, he replied
"Maybe so. I've never done that. I thought about that. That might be the challenge — to differentiate from anything else that I've done....That would be the thing for me to do... think about a solo record. I wouldn't know until I get there."
Personally, I think that would be pretty sweet.
Whole Interview
Ball and a Biscuit (live VH1) - The White Stripes (Youtube link)
Level (Video version) - Raconteurs (Youtube)
Will There Be Enough Water (live at Outside Lands) - The Dead Weather (Youtube, I was like 10 feet away from this guy! Awesome show, and this was for sure the highlight)
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