And now for the most exciting piece of news to come out so far this year: The Morning Benders have given us a taste of their upcoming album, Big Echo! I am a huge Morning Benders fan, and they are one of the few bands I have seen live twice. I saw them once at the Coffee House in our fine city of Davis, and once more recently at this year's Outside Lands. At the Outside Lands show they played almost entirely new material, only "Waiting for the War" and "Patient Patient" from the first album. What I heard I loved, and this track "Promises" further confirms that. In a world where so many second albums really don't live up, I have very high hopes for Big Echo. "Promises" definitely has a different feel from most of the songs on Talking Through Tin Cans, and I from what I heard at the concert, so do most of the new songs. I love the percussion, and Chris's vocals are as great as ever. Take a listen for yourself:
Promises - The Morning Benders
They have a bunch of US tour dates on their Myspace. If they're coming to your area, I'd highly suggest you go, they put on a very good show. Album drops March 9th.
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