Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Video for "The High Road", by Broken Bells

I've been debating for a while whether to post about the Broken Bells, the team of Dangermouse and James Mercer. It's a good recipe, James Mercer has a great voice, and is a great songwriter, and Dangermouse is pretty consistently awesome. I missed the leak, so all I have are the two sample tracks, "The High Road" and "Vaporize". "The High Road" is by far my favorite, and when I saw that they had released a video (via I Guess I'm Floating, awesome blog), I decided to post. The video is cool, it doesn't really tell a story so much as it just sets a mood. It's definitely intriguing, and it makes the song more interesting, which is really what a music video should do. Check it out.

The High Road

Broken Bells | MySpace Music Videos

The High Road - Broken Bells

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