Last night, South China played a show at The Greenhouse, on J street. Right off the bat, let me say, it was a fantastic show. I was really needing some live music, and South China really hit the spot. The first word that comes to mind to describe them is mellow. Their music isn't always sad, but it is always very mellow. There was nothing complicated about their msuic, but they did have the two key ingredients of good folk music: beautifully written songs, and amazing voices.
South China are Jeremy and Jerusha Robinson, a couple from Biddeford, Maine. Last spring, they gave up their apartment, and they've been on the road all around the US playing shows ever since. She plays keyboard and cello and does the main vocals, and he plays electric guitar, acoustic guitar, accordion, and provides backing vocals. The cello was plucked as often as it was bowed, which created a very cool effect, and really gave some extra oomph when she did start to bow.
I had intended to take video of one of their songs, but to tell the truth, I was too entranced by their performance to remember to. I did buy their album, so I have a track for you off of that. They've still got some dates on their Myspace, so if they're coming near you, I would highly suggest going, the put on a good show.
Partridge In a Pear Tree - South China
The record doesn't quite do the show justice, but its still good stuff.
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