In my head, I tend to lump Tunng together with Freelance Whales, and while they're hardly identical, it seems to me like a fair comparison. Both of them focus on a folk sound, but with heavy use of synthesizers, as well as almost chorus like vocals. At any rate, they're awesome, so it's exciting to hear that they've got a new album coming out. It's called ...And Then We Saw Land, and it's due March 1st on Full Time Hobby (home of blog favorites White Denim). There's some pretty cool options if you pre-order the album, including shirts, a 4-minute album teaser mix, and most excitingly a DVD of Tunng live with Tinariwen, another blog favorite. I will definitely have to see that DVD, Tunng and Tinariwen sounds like a killer combo.
As for the album itself, I can't speak to it beyond the sample track they're providing. It's called "Don't Look Down Or Back" and it's a pretty standard Tunng song (by which I mean it's amazing). The synths aren't quite as prevalent as is some of their earlier work, but it has the the signature fingerpicked guitar, the distinctive voices, and some very rich interaction and harmony between the singers. It's a very solid track, and it's got me very excited for the album. Also, look out for the lead single, "Hustle", which is out February 22nd.
Don't Look Down Or Back - Tunng
Pre-order(CD, LP, FLAC, or MP3)
If you like that, be sure to check out their 2008 album, Good Arrows, a must have for anyone who even thinks they might like experimental folk music.
Amazon MP3
(News via Stereokill)
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