If you're in the Davis area, and you're in the mood for some fine folk music, make your way down to the Shack (213 C St.), on Saturday night at 7pm. Technically, the headliner is Aaron Godwater, but we all know that the star of the show is going to be this blog's favorite singer-songwriter, Nat Lefkoff. Just in case you've somehow managed to miss my previous rants about him, Nat is a high school sophomore, and one of the most talented folk singer-songwriters I've had the pleasure of hearing. Check the link above (click his name), for more info about him and some mp3s, but if you can, come see him live, he's awesome.
Other acts include:
Aaron Godwater. He's got a bit of a Kermit the Frog thing going with his voice, but he uses it well, and he's got real solid songs, so he should be very enjoyable.
Tambourine Shoes. Tambourine Shoes is Marissa Moriel, another Davis native. Sadly, the Myspace page has no songs, so I can't really comment on the quality of the music. However, her page lists her as "Folk Rock/Experimental/Indie", so her sound should be fairly in keeping with the rest of the show.
John Fern. He is from Chico, and has a somewhat similar sound to Nat, but almost kinda show-tuney (and not as awesome). Overall pleasant; good voice, decent songs. Should be good to watch.
Here is the Facebook Event page for those of you who would like to see that. Nat is always amazing live, and Aaron Godwater seems pretty cool too, so if you're in town or nearby, get down to The Shack!
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