This marks the first installment of a weekly feature which will come out each Thursday, a round-up of the weekend's (that includes Friday) live music in the Sacramento/Davis area. Shows in bold are ones that I recommend, and I'll also have a top show for each weekend, which will get a more in depth write up. All shows are all ages unless noted. Here goes.
Sister Crayon, Whats Up, Chelsea Wolfe, The New Humans, Pregnant, Ross Hammond, Two Sheds, Thousands. SN&R holds a benefit concert for Doctors Without Boarders in Haiti at 6pm at Luigi's Fun Garden (Sac). Musically, it's all over the place, but it'll be a good show. $10.
Rudresh Mahanthappa, Mark Dresser and Gerry Hemingway (jazz combo) at the TCS Building on the UCD campus. Free.
Garage Jazz Architects, Tin Can Notes, Noland Ford. Some jazz, some pop. Luna's Cafe (Sac), 8pm. $6.
Lots more after the jump!
Phallucy, Red Tape. Some metal, some thrash. The Blue Lamp (Sac), at 9pm. $8, 21+.
Verraterisch, Nu Sensae, MOM. Punk show. Axewave Manor (Sac), 8pm. $3.
**Pick of the Weekend**: Nat Lefkoff, John Fern, Rauelsson. Not pick of the weekend just because Nat is playing, although that is a major part of it. Rauelsson also plays some great spanish language folk music, and John Fern is easy on the ears. Should be a great night of folk. Luigi's Fun Garden (Sac), 8:30 pm. $5.
Blvd. Park, Musical Charis. Some Americana/folk rock and some straight folk rock. Old Ironsides (Sac), 9pm. $7, 21+.
All Right Now, Miss Lonely Hearts. Can't find anything about All Right Now, but Miss Lonely Hearts play some good roots music. N Street Common House (Davis), 8pm. $10, $5 student.
Vital Perception, The Neverland Ranch Hands, Mind Furnace, Nihlotep, X-Ray Cat. Punk/Thrash/Metal. On the Y (Sac), 8:30pm. $6, 21+.
Wounded Lion, Mayyors, G. Greenz, Gaarth. All over the place. 27 @ V (Sac), 8pm. $5.
Jake Mann, Kacey Johansing. Indie rock and some real mellow folk. Delta of Venus (Davis), 8pm. $3-5.
Mount Shout, Soft Devil (Pville), DJ Larry Rodriguez, Thou Sands, San Kazagaskar. The Hub (Sac). Another Haiti benefit show, 5pm. $10.
That took a lot longer than expected. I think some weeks I may only put the shows I actually recommend, but whenever possible, I'm going to put all of them.
Source: Undie Tacos.
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